Sunday, July 1, 2012

Keepin' the Faith, a Decade Later

I will not go into detail about the imporance of the mission district. If you folliow my facebook posts, you will have read my thoughts (One of the coolest expressions of St. Augustine's  confessions, are found in San Francisco's Mission District. No Schools teach it, but the walls express a visual literature that is not found in any other media.)
One of the murals that placed my mind in reflection was a mural painted by Isis Rodriguez, The power of this mural has lasted a decade but not without it's critics in the form of tags.

I have contacted the artist today as I have started doing some digital restoration of her work.  I have taken licence with the background as it had been destroyed but thankfully I have seen a copy of the original and have that to work with.  I am hoping to use this for a digital composite but honestly, I will be happy just to see the colors and enjoy how this makes me feel. 

Here is my first attempt at restoration. for more information about the artist visit her website...

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